Ah! es un estudio creativo multidisciplinar establecido en East London …

Ah! es un estudio creativo multidisciplinar establecido en East London en 2008 por los graduados del London College of Communication Elin Svensson y Johanna Lundberg. Como éstos aseguran, su objetivo es «combinar las ideas reflexivas y la estética informativa para crear un diseño funcional que llega a la cabeza y al corazón». Lo recojo de Changethethought.

Ah! is a multi-disciplinary creative Studio based in East London and established by London College of Communication graduates Elin Svensson and Johanna Lundberg. As they say, their aim is «to combine thoughtful ideas with informed aesthetics to create fuctional design that reaches out to both the head and the heart». I get it from Changethethought.

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